Al Po's Intraday Scalper - use to improve your daily results. Highly customizable script for intraday scalping
The source for Buy sequence.
The source for Sell sequence.
Source of Support
Source of Resistance
Source of the buy setup sequence(low by default).
Source of the sell setup sequence(high by default).
Transparency of a colored channel.
Transparency of a grey channels(with resistance, median and support lines).
Very sensitive switch. Helps to close above/below the sources of sequences to smooth the results a little bit(helpful when it comes to tiny differences in sequence).
Very sensitive switch. Helps to close above/below the sources of sequences to smooth the results a little bit(helpful when it comes to tiny differences in sequence).
Very sensitive switch. Helps to close above/below the sources of sequences to smooth the results a little bit(helpful when it comes to tiny differences in sequence).
Very sensitive switch. Helps to close above/below the sources of sequences to smooth the results a little bit(helpful when it comes to tiny differences in sequence).
1 to 4 width of line
1 to 4 width of line
1 to 4 width of line
1 to 4 width of line
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